Timely Furnace Maintenance Matters

The furnace season is upon us, so let’s focus on making sure you won’t be surprised by any of the following problems:

  • Duct work might be loose and cause leaks.
  • The motor might need lubrication.
  • The air filter might need to be replaced.
  • The condensate drain might be blocked.
  • The wiring or the blower belt might be loose.

Preventing above will ensure your family breaths clean filtered air and is not exposed to any fire hazards or water damages/mold. It also prevents any major costly damages that could have been easily prevented. Furnace maintenance is recommended at least once a year.

Contact Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule a maintenance appointment, and consider our annual maintenance agreements which include the following services:

  • Precision tune-ups for your primary heating and cooling system
  • Professional cleanings
  • Safety inspections

Stay cozy!