Money Saving Tips

Air Conditioning

What do you need to know about the Freon Phase out?

If you are using an AC unit made prior to 2010, then you are likely using a R22 refrigerant (a.k.a. freon), which will be discontinued by 2020 per the EPA’s ruling. Any AC unit made after 2010 shouldn’t be using R22 refrigerant, so this blog is only for those of you who have a model made before 2010. For those homes this ruling affects, here’s what you need to know. This is not a ban on the use or sale …
Air Conditioning

4 Simple Ways to Maximize Your AC Unit’s Efficiency

It’s getting hot out there! Most of use have already reached for the thermostat to try and stave off the heat and humidity, but the idea of expensive energy bills doesn’t look too attractive. Poor air flow caused by dirty condensers and old filters can make your AC Unit (and wallet) work harder. Keep Those Filters Clean Changing your air filter in your forced air system is one of the simplest and most overlooked ways to boost your efficiency and …
Air Conditioning

What are HVAC Service Agreements and Do I Need One?

A lot of people are curious about what Service Agreements or Annual Maintenance Agreements are. Many HVAC companies, including us, offer these agreements as an easy way to keep your system up and running, but what exactly are they? The usual adage is “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” right? While this may be the case for a lot of things in life, you definitely don’t want to wait until it’s 110° out to make sure your air conditioner …
Energy Efficiency

Energy Saving Tips

June has finally arrived and unfortunately, so have its hot temperatures. With the weather around 90 degrees, it’s hard to avoid inevitably high energy bills. Here are a couple tips on how to save energy while still enjoying a cool, refreshing house. Don’t over react to the heat After being in the sun all day, a cool, air-conditioned room is a relief.  But, don’t fall in to the common mistake of cranking your thermostat down to cool your house faster. …
Air Conditioning

The Inside Scoop on HVAC: Common Myths Debunked

Myth I: I Only Need to Replace My Filter Every 90 days Reality: Filter maintenance is one of the easiest and most cost effective things you can do to help your system run efficiently and last for years to come. Often, customers will purchase a 90 day filter and leave it in their system assuming they are good to go. One of our expert staff, Ben Bocox, recommends checking your filter every 30 days, regardless of how long it is …
Air Conditioning

Good Timing

Good timing when it comes to financial decisions is often counter-intuitive, like buying Christmas decorations after the holidays are over or buying stocks during a recession. The basic principle is the following: buy when demand is low to get a better price! The same applies to routine maintenance for air conditioners. You probably haven’t even turned on your AC this year, but now is a great time to get it checked out so that it’s ready when you need it …

MidAmerican Rebates – This is Your Last Chance!

MidAmerican rebates will decrease significantly in 2018, so don’t procrastinate and take advantage of an extra $400 rebate on York Furnaces until the end of the year. Upgrading to a quality built York unit in 2017 will not only provide a rebate, it will also save you money in the long term by increasing energy efficiency and lowering your utility bill. Its unique properties will additionally improve your home’s air quality by reducing the number of particles and allergens. Click …
Energy Efficiency

Energy-Savings Tips for the Fall and Winter Time

Winter is approaching and turning on the heat is slowly becoming a daily routine. We at Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning have already talked about the importance of Furnace Maintenance in our October blog, so now let’s focus on how to keep your utilities bill low without having to abstain from the cozy warmth. Insulation Keep the heat inside by making sure you home’s insulation is up to date. Check your windows and doors for drafts and consider upgrading to …
Money Saving Tips

Discounts and Rebates – Don’t Miss Out!

We all like to save a few bucks here and there, so imagine you could actually save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on services you wouldn’t want to miss? Spring is the perfect time to evaluate your current systems and to consider saving big by upgrading your cooling and heating systems. York One of the largest discounts available comes from York. They offer up to $1,700 – just imagine what you could buy for $1,700 instead! Their units are …
Energy Efficiency

Is my Utility Bill too High?

This is actually a tricky question, because you can only answer it if you know what is normal or average. The first step is to look at past bills over the years and note any changes. Did the bill increase because you have an additional roommate? Did you install new equipment that needs plenty of electricity or are you now using a room you didn’t heat/cool previously? If the answer to these and similar questions is no, you should look …
Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Rebate Change

Replacing an old heating or cooling system with a newer energy efficient one will save you money in the long-run. Even better, MidAmerican Energy has been actively encouraging these upgrades by offering Iowa and Illinois residents’ rebates on their utility bill! Certain requirements apply: the new unit must be installed with a SAVE rating of excellence, with the exception of furnace fans, room air conditioners, programmable thermostats, and heat pump water heaters. Doug’s Heating and Air Conditioning is a SAVE …
Money Saving Tips

Brace Yourself

Air conditioners have been turned off for a while and the winter season is approaching. We are embracing shorter days by getting used to turning on our lights more. Brace yourself for the annual winter adjustment with the following tips; Heating • Annually check your heating system to make sure it is ready for the winter. • Replace your heater’s filter and remove any dust to save energy and maintain parts. • Consider installing a new heating system if your …