Are you energy efficient?

We often talk about energy efficiency, but do we actually understand what it means? Here is a basic definition: “Using less energy to provide the same service”. There are some simple steps you can follow to get the same service without wasting excess energy.

Firstly, with warmer days approaching, people start awakening their ACs from hibernation. People often wrongfully assume that turning the AC to really low temperatures, makes it cool down faster. False – This is a myth! The only thing it does is to increase your energy bill. Simply set the thermostat to the desired temperature, get a cold glass of water, and wait for your room to cool down.

Secondly, be smart about your electronics and appliances. Don’t leave them plugged in and turned on when you don’t need them. It wastes energy, and leaving them on for no reason, you might as well just throw money out of your window.

Lastly, take care of your furnace. Many older furnaces burn more gas than is necessary. This increases your energy bill. Get a high-efficiency furnace. It burns less gas, burns hotter, and produces less carbon emission. Additionally, make sure to change the air filter on your furnace. Exchanging the dirty filter with a new one allows for better air circulation, and thus makes your furnace work less. You will see the difference on your next energy bill.

Do you want to know more about how you can save energy and keep your energy bills down? Reach out to Doug’s Heating & Air Conditioning for consultation at (309) 764-2500.

Dougs - 4-15-16